Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Jayshree Gururaj

I read the comments Jayree...can you share why you were banned? Was it from Substack? Thus far, my Substack experience is positive, but I'm curious to know what happened as I've found your posts informative and helpful. Is there a Substack issue that should be on our radar?

With respect to Adobe, I didn't know about this cancellation issue. I subscribe to it because I need to have people sign documents. Works for me.

I did have difficulty with a political group that had an opaque cancellation process. I was trying to update the card I used for monthly contributions and it took weeks to get someone to respond. I fully support the work that group is doing -- but I no longer make a monthly contribution. Which speaks to your point about customer retention.

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Ann, regarding Substack - I still do not know why - they have not responded to my query asking for details of the issue. So, until they respond ... This is the first issue I have had on spam ban since I have been here - Nov 2023. Regarding what to look for - it is unfortunately nothing that the user can do, unless Substack reviews its false positive errors. I will share fake profile spam that is engulfing Medium and Substack with an example, and offer alternate ways to communicate to your audience when stuck. Thanks for your support.

Regarding cancellation policies, some lead the field with customer-first, and some depend on fine print! :-) Jayshree

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I've had my Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop subscription for about 5 years now. I pay monthly. I had no idea this was going on. Honestly speaking even with this, I feel that Adobe for me is well worth the money and wouldn't drop it.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

This actually makes the case for why they do not need early termination fees. Customers who like the value Adobe provides will continue to subscribe. Hence, this whole policy is unnecessary.

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I bought adobe years ago. It’s old but it works on my old laptop for now! . But I have had other subscriptions to businesses which were practically impossible to cancel. Much threatening letter writing etc. In my opinion the Justice Dept needs to look into the entire Subscription business. ALL of it! There’s so much corruption. For instance the short time you were banned I was still being charged for your subscription. That’s just not right. And that’s not your fault.

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Hi Charlotte. please would you check your chat messages tomorrow ? I will share your subscription info that I have on record to make sure it is accurate. Thanks, Jayshree

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Thank you! I keep forgetting shed is there. I need to visit more often. Please understand I am not complaining. I am more than happy to have paid but it just wasn’t right what they did to you.

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